「深度自然遊 Deep Nature Play」系列活動主網站:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/
分享自然大師約瑟‧康內爾(Joseph Cornell)公開講座 :「共享自然 – 深度自然遊與流水學習法」
Public seminar: ‘Sharing Nature – Deep Nature Play and Flow Learning’ by Joseph Cornell – the Founder of Sharing Nature
講者資料: 約瑟‧康內爾 – 世界分享自然運動始創人及推動者
Speaker : Joseph Cornell – the founder of Sharing Nature Worldwide
— 世界分享自然運動‘To create a society that truly loves and reveres the natural world, we must offer its citizens life-changing experiences in nature.’
— Sharing Nature Worldwide
While the mainstream nature education in Hong Kong stress on cogntive and skill input , others are already experiencing the profound benefits of sharing nature which is a worldwide movement dedicated to helping people of all ages deepen their relationship with nature. Joseph Cornell, the world’s renowned nature educator , will share with us his insights in sharing nature.
What you will discover from the seminar
World renowned nature education activities for all ages
Learn about the Sharing Nature Flow Learning process, and how to apply it to teaching process
Insights to make nature education fun , memorable and inspiring
Deep Nature Play : concept and practice
More about Joseph Cornell: http://www.sharingnature.com/
日期: 2017年10月26日(星期四)
Date: 26 Oct 2017 Thursday
時間: 下午7-9時
Time: 7-9 pm
語言: 英文主講,中文旁譯
Language: English Speaking with Chinese translation
地點: 香港理工大學 Z座 林植豪演講廳 (Z209室)
Venue: Lam Chik Ho Lecture Theatre (Room Z209), Block Z, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
費用: 每位$250
Fee: HKD 250 per person
大專生團購優惠* [按此瀏覽詳情]
網上報名Online Registration:http://bit.ly/deepnatureplay
購票條款及細則 Terms and Conditions of Ticket Ordering:https://www.gaia.org.hk/deepnatureplay2017/terms-and-conditions/
查詢Enquiry:電話/WhatsApp (852) 5313-2773
付款方法 Payment Method
方法一 Method 1:
銀行入數: 匯豐銀行賬號︰030- 4- 259237 (留通知書及轉賬紀錄 whatsapp 5313 2773 / 電郵至[email protected])
Bank Transfer to HSBC Account 0304259237 and then WhatsApp the receipt to 5313 2773 / Email the receipt to [email protected]
方法二 Method 2:
支票抬頭: 自然協會(慈善)有限公司,郵寄至”新界屯門新墟井頭上村87A 自然協會收”
Cheque Payee to “Gaia Association (Charity) Limited. Postal Cheque to “Gaia Association, 87A, DD131, Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen, San Hui, Tuen Mun, N.T.”
主辦機構 Organizer
協辦機構 Co-organizers
(排名不分先後 in no particular order)
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北京燕山學堂 | Beijing Yanshan School


場地贊助 Venue Sponsor
場地提供 Venue Support
支持媒體 Media Partner
支持機構及團體 Supporters
(排名不分先後 in no particular order)
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共享自然中國 | Sharing Nature China
禮賢會恩慈學校 | Rhenish Church Grace School